IV Concurso fotográfico Trabajo y Medio Ambiente hasta el 21 de otubre de 2024

Fecha límite para participar: 21 de otubre de 2024. The aim is to raise awareness through images about the influence we exert on the environment through different work activities, their consequences and possible solutions. Special value will be given to those photographs that reflect good environmental practices at work or their negative impacts (pollution, loss of biodiversity, global warming, etc.), their originality and whether the work raises elements of reflection that help to raise environmental awareness among workers and the rest of society.

PRIZES.- A first prize and two second prizes are established:
First prize: A weekend for two people in a rural tourism centre located within the Network of Natural Spaces of Castilla y León, valued at €300. A certificate will be awarded.
Second prize: A batch of organic and local products valued at €150. A certificate will be awarded.

Web: https://medioambiente.ugtcyl.es/iv-concurso-de-fotografia-y-i-certamen-de-microrrelatos/